Harmony – Water Wells and Water Purification
“Mind is just like water. When agitated, it is difficult to see what lies beneath. When settled, the answers come to the surface.”
Hand in hand with water borehole drilling services that we specialize in here at Waterseekers, is the purification of this water once we’ve got it out of the ground.
Although the quality of the water from a waterwell is arguably superior to water from municipal supplies, we can always do more to improve the quality of our drinking water and so the health of everybody who drinks water – not that many really 😉
Also, there are times when well water has a high lead content, which must be removed.
So What Is Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis was developed as a water treatment method more than 40 years ago. The process first arose as a technique of desalinating seawater. Once the method’s decontaminating capabilities were recognized, reverse osmosis systems started to be commercially produced for home water purification purposes. These systems were installed in homes even as far back as the 1970s. Reverse osmosis systems seemed a viable option to the more costly and energy wasteful distillation units.
The Process:
The reverse osmosis process relies upon a semi-permeable membrane through which pressurized water is forced. Reverse osmosis, simply put, is the opposite of the natural osmosis process of water. Osmosis is the name for the tendency of water to migrate from a weaker saline solution to a stronger saline solution, gradually equalizing the saline composition of each solution when a semi-permeable membrane separates the two solutions.
In reverse osmosis, water is forced to move from a stronger saline solution to a weaker solution, again through a semi-permeable membrane. Because molecules of salt are physically larger than water molecules, the membrane blocks the passage of salt particles. The end result is desalinated water on one side of the membrane and a highly concentrated, saline solution of water on the other side. In addition to salt particles, this process will remove a select number of drinking water contaminants, depending upon the physical size of the contaminants. For this reason, reverse osmosis has been touted as an effective drinking water purification method.
Pros and Cons:
Reverse osmosis is a valuable water purification process when mineral-free water is the desired end product. Most mineral constituents of water are physically larger than water molecules. Thus, they are trapped by the semi-permeable membrane and removed from drinking water when filtered through a reverse osmosis system. Such minerals include salt, lead, manganese, iron, and calcium.
Reverse osmosis will also remove some chemical components of drinking water, including nitrates and the dangerous mind numbing municipal additive – fluoride.
Although reverse osmosis does extract several contaminants from drinking water, its removal capabilities are not ideally suited to the challenges of the municipally treated water that the overwhelming majority of people receive. Municipal water contains such contaminants as chlorine and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). Because these contaminants are physically smaller in size than water, the semi-permeable membrane cannot prohibit them from passing through with the water. Thus, they remain in drinking water.
“Mind is just like water. When agitated, it is difficult to see what lies beneath. When settled, the answers come to the surface.”
Reverse osmosis, also, by removing alkaline mineral constituents of water, produces acidic water. Acidic water can be dangerous to the body system, causing calcium and other essential minerals to be stripped from bones and teeth in order to neutralize its acidity. Trace elements of minerals were intended to be in water; their removal leaves tasteless, an potentially unhealthy drinking water.
To benefit from reverse osmosis water filters, means that we have to make sure that our body is supplemented with the minerals which were stripped out along with all the bad stuff – nitrates, flouride.
Reverse osmosis water filters remove fluoride and fluoro-silicic acid at the molecular level. Activated carbon water filters remove pesticides. Air conditioning removes most toxins from the air. Activated carbon air filters remove incinerator, foundry and ceramic factory toxins from the air.

Who Are We?

Waterseekers Well Drilling Services Ltd has over 50 years experience of commercial water well installations for agricultural and industrial usage. You dont have to know about the above definitions becasue we undertake the Borehole Prognosis for you.
Commercial Water Borehole Turn Key Solutions
We offer a turn-key solution that covers not just the technical aspects such as borehole prognosis, but also every requirement typical of any large commercial water borehole project:
- Insurance
- Health and Safety
- Project Management
If you would like to talk to us about your project, we are happy to give no obligation advice. Visit our website, use the contact form, or call us on 01246 938499
Thanks for reading!
Jenny Hormell
Waterseekers Well Drilling Services Ltd.
Post on 26 Aug 2015 by Water Well Drilling Enthusiast